Making Changes

I have been thinking a bit about the coming year, and some changes I want to make to our little business. This past year I "allowed" my hubby to start doing his own auctions. This was a difficult move for me as the perfectionist in me wants everything just so. He is anything BUT a perfectionist. So I relaxed and let him go at it - making minor changes (like spelling corrections or adjusting the keywords in the title). This has proved to be a great addition as I seldom have time to run auctions.

My 15 year old son does my shipping and has been very good at it, but I've been debating about passing that job on to my 12 year old son, and giving the 15 year old a new task - bookkeeping. You would think with me having a degree in accounting I could keep my own books - but it's something I just no longer like to do. So I'm thinking of showing my son how to do the basics. He's good in math so I think he could do a good job. Of course his first comment to me was - how much does it pay! lol

Another change is I've dumped all my blogs I had high hopes in having about different topics that I never kept up with, and only having two. This one will be about our business - Treasures Old and New, and my other will be personal (life, homeschooling, thoughts, etc). Maybe I can better at keeping them updated more regularly. ;-)

We're also trying something new. I've always placed my books into plastic bags before putting them in bubble envelopes or boxes. I had a great source for bags (the Dollar Store), but they are becoming harder to find. Some of my book selling friends use an impulse sealer, but I'm not sure I want to go that route yet, so I purchased some plastic wrap from Sams Club yesterday and we're trying that out. I like how the books look when wrapped up. I do this because you never know if a package is going to get wet so this keeps the books nice a dry.

So - to a New Year!

Until next time...

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