Auction Cash Machine

Just released - EZ-D's Auction Cash Machine.

EZ-D has a system for finding high profit potential products and quickly flipping these products for a fast profit. And he's willing to show you how to use his system to find these high profit potential products in your area AND exactly how to sell these products to maximize your profits.

If your looking to sell on eBay, or expand your product line, this is a must have product. Currently priced at only $49.99 - but the price is due to go up any time now so don't wait to jump on this. Click HERE for more information.

Until next time...

eBay Boycott - or not!

I have to be honest with you - I didn't hear about this boycott until this weekend. (Of course having a house full of sick children could have had something to do with that.) I guess sellers are up in arms - yet again about the fee increases/decreases. What would these people do if they had actual brick and mortar stores?

My take on all of this? First I will not participate in this boycott. Am I upset about the fee changes? Maybe a little, but I just have to revamp my selling strategy. I sell what I do because I love it. I enjoy hearing from my customers - when they have found a book they had as a child and want to share it with their children, when they are able to add a beloved book to a classroom shelf. It warms my heart.

Now if eBay is your only source of online income - maybe it's time to diversify. Over a year ago I took my selling to another level by adding other venues like Amazon and Biblio. What happened when I did that? My sales went up. Not overnight, but gradually. eBay has always been my top selling venue but Amazon is catching up and so far this month is ahead of eBay - we'll see where we're at at the end of the month.

Most buyers don't even know about the boycott on eBay - nor do they care. They are looking for something - and they will go find it where they can get the best deal. They will buy from sellers they have purchased from in the past that gave them good service. They are the important part of eBay, and I intend to do my best to keep my customers happy. After all, shouldn't we treat them the way we would want to be treated?

I see both sides of the story, but I for one, would not be where I am today if it weren't for eBay. This venue of selling has given me a low cost way to make some much needed extra money for our family without my having to leave home. I am making more at home working part time then I would be if I were working part time at a business based on what the going wage is for my training (Accounting). Not to mention the flexibility I wouldn't have working for someone else.

You can do what you feel best for your business, and I will take no offense to that, but I for one will continue to sell this week on eBay - and I might do better since many sellers will be taking the week off. More power to you!

Until next time...
eBay seller - and proud of it!
Treasures Old and New

Tax Time

Do you dread this time of year? Even with a background in bookkeeping I dread having to get everything together to do my taxes - as I'm not very good at keeping on top of stuff during the year (my bad).

Well, I think I have found a great program to help me this year and I'm excited to give it a try. Thought I would share it with my readers as well.

The Internet Tax Helper

  • An easy to understand and use program that makes entering your income and expenses so simple that your 12 year old daughter can keep your "books" (and reduce your tax expense at the same time!!)
  • Is already set up for a home business and painlessly guides you through the steps to claim every one of the lucrative home business tax deductions that you are legally entitled to and can add $1000's in tax savings to your business. Not claiming just one of these deductions could mean overpaying Uncle Sam $100's if not $1000 or more in taxes. Just imagine, you could be overpaying Uncle Sam $4637 in taxes this year and not even know it.
  • Instantly shows you exactly how much you have earned in net income for every month, every quarter and for the entire year. No more guessing on how your business is truly performing.
  • Automatically creates an income statement for your business for every month, every quarter and the end of the year so all you have to do is hit the Print button and send it to your accountant. This one feature alone will reduce your aspirin consumption in half this year!!
  • Provides you a total of every kind of income and expense you have for the year. Now you can quickly look and see where you are earning your money and more importantly where you are spending (or overspending) it. (Careful, this can be a shocker!!)

There's a free demo you can try before you buy. I'll let you know in a couple months what I think of it. If you try it, leave me some comments and let me know what you think.

Until next time...

Additional Selling Venues

Over the past couple years, I've learned it's important to not be selling on only one venue. You never know when they will raise prices or go belly up. Since branching out onto other selling sites, I have seen my sales increase - which makes sense.

I recently came across eBid Auctions and it looks like a promising site. Free to join with no listing fees, you really can't go wrong giving it a shot. They have 3 membership levels:

Buyer. For buyers. No fees.

Seller. For casual sellers.
Upgrade Fee : $0.00
Auction Listing Fee : $0.00
Auction Final Value Fee : 3%

Upgrade Fee : 7 Day $1.99 | 30 Day $6.99 | 90 Day $16.99 | 365 Day $59.99 | Lifetime $49.99
Auction Listing Fee : $0.00
Auction Final Value Fee : $0.00

They are offering a special Lifetime membership of $49.99 - normally $99.99. At that price how can you not sign up.

I haven't tried it out yet, I have submitted a support ticket to see if I can use eBid with my listing service, so I'm waiting to hear back from that. If I can't at this time, I may try a few auctions and see what happens.

So, give them a try and let me know how you do, I'll do the same once I get moving here!

Until next time, God bless!

Sourcing Items to Sell

The Automatic Millionaire

I'm in the the midst of reading a book that I thought might be of interest to some of you. The Automatic Millionaire - A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich by David Bach.

My first thought was this book was another "get rich scheme", but the write up was interesting, so I figured I might read the first several pages first before listing it.

After the first few pages, I realized that this book is common sense - something many of us fail to put into practice, myself included.

David very simply tells us we need to Pay Yourself First! Once upon a time I used to do that - BC (before children). At every paycheck, we need to be putting a percentage of our money away - for us - before the bills are paid, before the food is purchased, before anything (well except your tithe - in my opinion).

Up until our children came along I was pretty good at putting money in the savings account - but after they started coming and I quit my job - I didn't see anyway we could put money aside, and sad to say we didn't. I wish this book had been written 20 years ago.

David shows you ways you can Pay Yourself First, automatically so you don't even have to think about it. He will show you that you do have the money to do this - even if you don't think you have any extra at all. He explains everything very simply and in under 2 or so hours, you will know exactly what you need to do to start saving. No budgets, no thinking, it's all automatic.

Since I can't go back in time, I've put my plan into motion now. It's not automated yet because I really never know what my sales will be from one week to the next, but my savings account is all set up and each week I plan to get my decided upon percentage into my savings account - before paying any bills or buying any new books.

I will also be making this book required reading for my children - because if I can get them to start doing this now while they are young - they will be way ahead of my husband and I and hopefully not make the same mistakes we did.

So, until next time... have yourself a wonderful day!
God Bless,

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