How do you do it all???
One of the first questions I'm ever asked when I tell people I homeschool 5 children, not to mention run a home business is "How do you do everything?" I just have to laugh because I don't DO everything! I know where my families priorities lie, and there are just some things we don't get involved with. We choose very carefully which activities we do, and try to make those activities that the entire (or majority) family can do together.
Now I can hear the moans "but the age difference for our children is vast, or they don't like the same things." Sometimes we have to do things we don't like as adults - isn't that OKAY for children too? The age thing can be an issue at times - and as of this writing mine range from 5 to 16, so I know, but we try and involve everyone when possible.
At home, we do a LOT of "deligating." If you don't have your children doing daily chores - you are DEPRIVING them! There is nothing wrong with your children taking on the majority of the household chores. Why? Our jobs as parents is training them to become functioning adults. That includes running a household. Do you know how many gals I have met that have gotten married and have no clue how to cook anything that doesn't come out of a box? That is really sad IMHO! So with the exception of a few things that I still do, the majority of our cleaning is done by the children, or we do it together.
Another comment I get is "You must be very organized." While a perfectionist by nature, staying organized is not something I do well. If you have ever been to the Fly Lady's website - you may know that as a perfectionist, if I can't complete a task in a specific time frame - I just won't start it! LOL I'm glad you aren't here right now to see my desk! So while my "stuff" isn't organized - I try to keep my life "somewhat" organized. I don't really like the word "schedule" so we have "routines". A set time of day for school, for snacks and meals, for work, for activities, etc. While the times may change from one day to the next, the children - and me - know what should be happening...and when.
My organization is still a work in progress, and sometimes I'm successful, and other times - don't come to visit! LOL
Sit down and decide which things are important to you and your family. If you are a homeschool mother - then schooling is a high priority for you. If you have been led to stay at home with your children but your family is financially strapped, there is a way you can make time to help your husband bring in some extra income and still be at home with your children. In the coming weeks, we will discuss different options available to you, that will give you the opportunity to contribute to the household finances - for extra spending money, to pay bills, to save, etc.
Please email me if this article has been helpful to you - or if you have found a way that you can contribute to your household income. I would love to spotlight other mom's (or dad's) who have found ways to be home and still help financially.
Until next time - have a wonderful day!
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- Dawn
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