The Big Move - It's a Good Thing

WOW! We spent this past weekend moving to our new (old) home. The "new" house is only 3 miles away, so that made things a little easier - but we're not done. Most of everything has been moved except the piano which we need to come up with about six strong guys to move, then my ebay inventory still sits on the shelves that also need to come over. So I have been running back and forth from one house to the other when something sells! LOL

We did get a larger home, however less storage space, so I'm trying to be creative and figure out where to put stuff. I did manage to empty about 10 boxes yesterday, and as soon as I finish puttsing around here I need to see about organizing the boxes that are here so I can make room for the shelves and my inventory - HA!

Anyway - figured I would post a little here since I haven't in a while. Hopefully by next week I'll have a little more time to devote to my blogs and have more goodies to share with you.

Until next time - have an awesome day! Be sure and sign up for my email notification list and receive a free goodie!



LX said...

I moved house few months back. It was indeed tiring! My situation is probably like yours - bigger house, but less storage. Everything was a mess for the first month. Now slowly, everything turns out alright.

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