I have been bad....

and have not updated my blog in almost a month it looks like! Time to end that and be more faithful in posting! I'll have to schedule a couple times a week into posting I guess!

We started up school today (we homeschool our 5 children - in case you're new to my blog) and it went rather well. Now I need to change hats and get to work on some business.

Speaking of business, I have to share a new forum with you: Work At Home Ventures . The owners, Cindy and Karen are great gals and have lots of combined knowledge when it comes to Working from home, so I encourage to you check it out. If you ever wanted to know:

How to write an ebook
Publish a website
Have your own blog
Learn about selling on ebay
and much more - this is the place to join - and it's completely FREE!!!

Maybe I can finally get my ebook written - or even that article I mentioned that still sits in my head instead of the computer! LOL

On other business news - I've decided to expand my ebay a bit and signed up for Amazon. With ebay raising it's prices, I think it's a good idea to diversify a bit, and considering the majority of my inventory is books, Amazon is a good place to go next. I did decide on the ProMerchant so I can use The Art of Books listing service to help keep track of inventory. I am hoping to show my daughter this week how to use AOB and get her started in doing some listings for me.

So that's a bit of an update at Treasures Old and New. I promise to get into the habit of updating more often - hope you don't get sick of reading! LOL

Until next time - have an awesome day!

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