I have been bad....

and have not updated my blog in almost a month it looks like! Time to end that and be more faithful in posting! I'll have to schedule a couple times a week into posting I guess!

We started up school today (we homeschool our 5 children - in case you're new to my blog) and it went rather well. Now I need to change hats and get to work on some business.

Speaking of business, I have to share a new forum with you: Work At Home Ventures . The owners, Cindy and Karen are great gals and have lots of combined knowledge when it comes to Working from home, so I encourage to you check it out. If you ever wanted to know:

How to write an ebook
Publish a website
Have your own blog
Learn about selling on ebay
and much more - this is the place to join - and it's completely FREE!!!

Maybe I can finally get my ebook written - or even that article I mentioned that still sits in my head instead of the computer! LOL

On other business news - I've decided to expand my ebay a bit and signed up for Amazon. With ebay raising it's prices, I think it's a good idea to diversify a bit, and considering the majority of my inventory is books, Amazon is a good place to go next. I did decide on the ProMerchant so I can use The Art of Books listing service to help keep track of inventory. I am hoping to show my daughter this week how to use AOB and get her started in doing some listings for me.

So that's a bit of an update at Treasures Old and New. I promise to get into the habit of updating more often - hope you don't get sick of reading! LOL

Until next time - have an awesome day!


Rose said...

This is my first visit to your blog and I'm glad I came! So many people think that its impossible to work from home and you are a very good example of someone who is actually doing it!

Dawn said...

Rose, thank you for your comments! Yes, it is possible for mom's (and dad's) to stay at home and make money. Thanks for visiting and please stop back again!

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