I'm in the the midst of reading a book that I thought might be of interest to some of you. The Automatic Millionaire - A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich by David Bach.
My first thought was this book was another "get rich scheme", but the write up was interesting, so I figured I might read the first several pages first before listing it.
After the first few pages, I realized that this book is common sense - something many of us fail to put into practice, myself included.
David very simply tells us we need to Pay Yourself First! Once upon a time I used to do that - BC (before children). At every paycheck, we need to be putting a percentage of our money away - for us - before the bills are paid, before the food is purchased, before anything (well except your tithe - in my opinion).
Up until our children came along I was pretty good at putting money in the savings account - but after they started coming and I quit my job - I didn't see anyway we could put money aside, and sad to say we didn't. I wish this book had been written 20 years ago.
David shows you ways you can Pay Yourself First, automatically so you don't even have to think about it. He will show you that you do have the money to do this - even if you don't think you have any extra at all. He explains everything very simply and in under 2 or so hours, you will know exactly what you need to do to start saving. No budgets, no thinking, it's all automatic.
Since I can't go back in time, I've put my plan into motion now. It's not automated yet because I really never know what my sales will be from one week to the next, but my savings account is all set up and each week I plan to get my decided upon percentage into my savings account - before paying any bills or buying any new books.
I will also be making this book required reading for my children - because if I can get them to start doing this now while they are young - they will be way ahead of my husband and I and hopefully not make the same mistakes we did.
So, until next time... have yourself a wonderful day!
God Bless,
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